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Copy Cutters

For copy milling of 3D internal and external contours, end mills/cutters are required to ensure a constant change of the contact area with the workpiece. These requirements are met by ball nose cutters as well as cutters with corner radius / torus cutters. Both types of cutters, ball nose cutters and cutters with corner radius / torus cutters, are called copy cutters.

Perfect results in copy milling

For copy milling of 3D internal and external contours, end mills/cutters are required to ensure a constant change of the contact area with the workpiece. These requirements are met by ball nose cutters as welll as cutters with corner radius / torus cutters. Both types of  cutters, ball nose cutters and cutters with corner radius / torus cutters, are called copy cutters.

Our premium copy cutters are best suited for materials such as graphite, steel, cast iron, metal, non-ferrous metals, aluminum, superalloys, titanium, stainless steel, hardened materials, stainless steel materials.

Our range of copy cutters includes milling cutters with diameters from Ø 0.05 to 6.0 mm.

< 1 2 3 > 33 Results

Diamond coated solid carbide 3d ball nose end mill, < 30 x d diameter cutting depth, hsc high speed cutting.
From €31.20 Excl VAT
Solid carbide minature ball nose slot mill, 2-30 x diameter cutting depth shank 6mm.
From €22.51 Excl VAT
Solid carbide minature ball nose slot mill, < 15xd diameter cutting depth, shank 4mm.
From €48.40 Excl VAT
Diamond coated solid carbide 3d ball nose end mill, 25 x diameter, hsc high speed cutting.
From €74.45 Excl VAT
Solid carbide end mill with corner radius, short, rockwell cutter.
From €60.45 Excl VAT
Solid carbide minature ball nose slot mill, <15xd diameter cutting depth, shank 4mm.
From €21.60 Excl VAT
Solid carbide 3d ball nose end mill, short, rockwell cutter.
From €18.60 Excl VAT
Solid carbide ball nose end mill, 2 highly polished flutes, 25xd.
From €20.40 Excl VAT
Diamaond coated solid carbide 3 d ball nose end mill < 25 x diameter, hsc high speed cutting.
From €81.55 Excl VAT
Solid carbide end mill with corner radius, extra laong, rockwell cutter.
From €84.60 Excl VAT
Valuetool solid carbide end mills with corner radius, short, <55 hrc.
From €28.50 Excl VAT
Solid carbide 3d ball nose end mills, for titanium, 4 cutting edges, centre cutting.
From €59.75 Excl VAT

< 1 2 3 > 33 Results